Garden provides exceptional services & programs for individuals of all ages and abilities. We offer a wide variety of one-to-one & group based programming for children, adolescents & adults year around. All of our programs are guided by the foundations of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) & are cultivated to meet the unique needs of each individual we serve.
Garden offers one-to-one early childhood intervention, playgroups, summer camps & after school programs for children with special needs & their typically developing siblings & peers. Programs focus on cultivating developmental milestones, communication & play skills.
Garden offers one-to-one & small group programming for teens with special needs & their typically developing siblings & peers. Programs focus on cultivating social skills & independence through after school programs, social groups, sex education & summer camps.
Garden offers a day program, summer camp, social groups, sex education, transportation training, supported employment & independent living support for adults with special needs focused on cultivating social skills & independence at work, home & community.